Annadale - Arden Heights - Bay Terrace - Charleston - Eltingville - Great Kills - Greenridge
- Huguenot - Pleasant Plains - Princes Bay - Richmond - Richmond Valley - Rossville - Tottenville - Woodrow
East-Raritain Bay, New Dorp Lane to Tottenville Beach.
North-New Dorp Lane at Lower New York Bay to Richmond Road to Arthur Kill Road to Arthur Kill
South-Raritan Bay
West-Arthur Kill
Important Places
Arthur Kill Ship Graveyard
Conference House
Kreischer House
Mount Loretto
Rossville Tanks
The South Shore is a geographical term
applied to the area of
Staten Island, New York, south and east of the
island's ridge of hills (and
Richmond Creek and
Fresh Kills south of
Historic Richmond Town) along the waterfront and
adjacent areas from
the Narrows to the mouth of the
Arthur Kill, although many observers prefer
to restrict its scope to the neighborhoods located between the shoreline of
Raritan Bay on one side and Richmond Creek and
Fresh Kills on the other, thus encompassing the neighborhoods of
Great Kills to
Tottenville only.
Those who choose to recognize this more narrow definition of
the "South Shore" reckon the communities that lie along the Lower New York Bay, and inland for approximately 2 to 2½
miles, from
Bay Terrace and
Richmondtown to as far north as
Grasmere and
Concord, as the
East Shore. Prior to the 1960's, the South Shore
was widely undeveloped, however after the building of the
Narrows Bridge, its population rose sharply.
(Donated by his grandson Dick)
Main St in Tottenville 1910 owned by Jim Riley
As you can see the two photos below are the same place,
one was called the Annadale Hotel,
the second was called the Helvetta Inn located at Amboy Road and Annadale Road
The dates of both photos are unknown
(donated by the Armstrong family)
Greenridge Auction Market 1952
Princes Bay
Pleasant Plains Amboy Road
Picture was taken at (about) 7350 Amboy Rd, Tottenville.
Yates' was on the west side of Amboy Rd, between Lee Ave and Wood Ave
(Yates' was almost opposite the Amboy Road's intersection w/ Sleight Av, which begins on the So. side of Amboy
Rd).. Was a very busy little store thru the fifties..
Looking at that pic, that house next door is the parsonage of St Stephens church which
is still on the corner of Lee Av. Going the other way (towards the pic's right) was Eckoffs Confectionery
Store (which was on the corner of Amboy/Wood).
That date- 1949: Each Flag Day (June 14) the Tottenville Merchants Association
conducted a parade from Amboy/Page Ave., to the Pavilion at end of Hylan Blvd. Very big deal in
Tottenville each year, always a big event. -That explains the horse..
Charleston Oakland Chemical